Monday, June 22, 2009

Can't Login Windows XP (SP3) Caused Error in WIN.INI File

Windows XP (all versions up to SP3) can be easily to screw up for someone so that the user can not login to. By using the WIN.INI file in Windows installation folder, usually in C: \ WINDOWS.

Now, you could try it. But before trying this, please be consequences. Users will not be able to log in again even through the Windows "Safe Mode".

Here is the Step :
  1. Rename the original file WIN.INI to be WIN.BAK or WIN.TES in our targeting PC's
  2. Find a file size more than 140MB (>140MB). Than Copy the file to the Windows folder
  3. Rename the file to WIN.INI
  4. Done!!!

After doing those step. The computer will not show any kind of error before a rebooting.

So, ?? Try to re-booting first.
After that, if anyone typing a wrong username or a wrong password, there will be an ERROR message appears like this :

“The system could not log you on. Make sure your Username and domain are correct, then type your password again. Letters in passwords must be typed using the correct case.”

event if anyone has already typing with correctly username and password.
There will be an ERROR message appears like this :

“The system cannot log you on due to the following error: Invalid access to memory location.

Please try again or consult your system administrator.”

And If the user tries to login again for the third times, it will be appears another ERROR message like this :

“The system could not log you on. The server authenticating you reported an error (0xC00000BB). You can find further details in the even log. Please report this error to the system administrator.”

Whoopss.... I wonder that there will be any kind of virus will take advantage of this security backdoor ... Or it could be activated through a batch file to run with Task Scheduler, as soon as possible.

I find this error while i'm trying to hacking any files and accidentally its rename into WIN.INI file, I also trying to search in google and still finding no other clues to solve this problem.

It is absolutely because the WIN.INI file has a large sizes (file sizes is more than 140MB).
Anyway, I keep hacking and try to finding a solution. Finally, yuppsss...i found it...

To heal this Error Windows by entry to DOS
  1. Turn On the Computer
  2. Input your CD Windows XP Installer to CD-ROM
  3. Go to the Windows folder and delete the WIN.INI file size > 140MB.

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